If I could Go Back In Time
If I could go back in time
I would only go if I could come back
I don’t want to know the future
Those secrets I would not hack
I’d like to see the planet
Before mankind came to earth
To see the wonderment of nature
Before mankind soiled the dirt
I’d like to walk with Adam
The day that he first met Eve
I’d like to sit on the mountains of Ararat
To watch the floodwaters recede
I’d like to be in Golgotha
So my own eyes could see
What actually transpired there?
In AD 29 or was it thirty three
I’d like to stand beside Moses
So I too could hear Gods voice
I’d like to hear Judas say
That he didn’t have a choice
I’d like to be in Gondwanaland
About Forty thousand years ago
I’d like to see the tribal customs
That today they still bestow
I’d like to sit outside a teepee
Before white man walked the land
See a grandfather teach his little ones
And go walking hand in hand
I’d like to dine with the Buddha
See the view from his place
Speak to him in his language
Understand his grace
I’d like to be at the birth
Of every human related to me
Trace my bloodline back
As far as far can be
Did I really come from Adam?
Or was it a monkey in a tree
Or some bacteria on a meteorite
That came flying through the galaxy
Poetry In Paradise Reg TM No. 1028534 28/10/18