Sadness Inside Darkness
No one wants to hear sad poetry
In the start of a brand-new year
No one wants to know your problems
Or if you’ve shed a tear
Everyone wants happiness
with rays of golden sunshine
No one wants the old grapes
Been too long on the line
Everyone wants good news
To see a smiling happy face
No one wants a depressed whiner
Lying about their place
Everyone’s hoping for a good year
In twenty twenty-one
Go out and have a party
Go out and have some fun
Forget about all the troubles
The media pushes into your face
Let’s hope this is the year
We get visited from outer space
If we all shared a common enemy
If we had to unite to defend our earth
Maybe we could learn to love each other
For what we are really worth.
Copyright Poetry in Paradise Reg TM #1028534 17/01/2021
