Snouts In The Trough
Why have Prime Ministers when they all do the same crap
Their wages sure are a pretty good wrap
They lie and they cheat and promise you the world
Then they leave you waiting like a runaway girl
They start out full of hope when they promise that and this
You find out once elected, they were so full of wind and piss
We need a President and our very own brand-new flag
A united stand-alone nation on which we can brag
A country united by a true leader that can really inspire
Not some pumped up bastard just waiting to retire
No pensions for any of’em until they’re the right age
They can go back to work and end all this outrage
We can’t afford their salaries and their jobs for the boys
Our pension entitlements should not be one of their toys
We don’t need Prime Ministers, they should all be rejected
Some of bastards get in without out even being elected
Jeffrey for President should be our nations new slogan
Let’s see what happens when the country is run by a bogan
Poetry in Paradise Copyright Trade Mark Number 1028534 21/07/2019